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Youth Parliament 2013

Parlament mladih 2013 DSC_0628International Day of the Sava River (June 1), like every year, commemorates the greater number of significant events. As part of the celebration of this day the Second Youth Parliament was organized Save aiming to raise environmental awareness among young people and to recognize exceptional ecological values and economic potential of the Sava River, as well as the importance of cross-border cooperation in the filed of waters.

Youth Parliament took place on May 24 and 25, 2013 in a special nature reserve “Zasavica” near Sremska Mitrovica (Serbia). It was attended by about 48 students and their profesors from eight high schools from Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia.

Parlament mladih 2012 IMG_2022The Students presented projects created as part of the competition for the best eco-project in the Sava River Basin related to the possibility of exploitation of water and the importance of protecting water and aquatic ecosystem in the Sava River Basin. Participants at the Youth Parliament adopted the statutes of Youth Parliament and proposed an emblem and a flag of Youth Parliament.

Representatives of Youth Parliament will be presented at the Fourth Meeting of the Parties to the “Framework Agreement on the Sava River Basin”, held on 31 May 2013 in Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina).

Organizer of the Youth Parliament, as well as most of the other events of the day of the Sava River in all four countries, is the Inetrantional Sava River Basin Commission (ISRBC), an international institution that coordinates the efforts of all countries in the protection and development of the Sava River Basin.

About Vanja Begić

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