In addition to the 9th Sava Youth Parliament held 8-9 October 2021 in Banja Luka and online, on 4 November 2021 we organized an educational trip in Plitvice Lakes National Park for Sava Youth Parliament members from Croatia (X. gimnazija Ivan Supek from Zagreb and School of Economics, Commerce and Catering from Samobor). We truly enjoyed the excellent guided tour organized by the UNESCO and Plitvice Lakes National Park. Below please find participants’ impressions:
On 4th of November 2021, in the early morning we embarked on a field trip that we had received as a reward for being a part of a Sava Youth Parliament’s project. Together with the students from Samobor we visited one of the Croatian National Parks- Plitvice Lakes. The trip was absolutely perfect. The exploration of the beautiful autumn landscape of Plitvice Lakes left us completely breathless. After spending our day walking and getting acquainted with the flora and fauna of the Nation Park, we returned to our homes filled with impressions and newfound friendships. Once more, on behalf of the students from Zagreb and on behalf of the students from Samobor, I would like to thank the organizers for allowing us to be a part of this unforgettable experience.
4. studenog 2021. godine u četvrtak krenuli smo na izlet kojeg smo dobili kao nagradu za sudjelovanje na Parlamentu mladih sa sliva rijeke Save. Zajedno s učenicima srednje škole iz Samobora obišli smo jedan od Hrvatskih nacionalnih parkova- Plitvička jezera. Izlet je bio savršen. Obišli smo predivan jesenski krajolik Plitvičkih jezera koji nas je ostavio bez daha. Nakon dana provedenog u hodanju i upoznavanju s florom i faunom Hrvatske, u kasno popodne smo se vratili puni dojmova i s novostečenim prijateljstvima. Još jednom bih se voljela zahvaliti organizatorima u ime učenika iz Zagreba i u ime učenika iz Samobora što su nam omogućili da proživimo ovo nezaboravno iskustvo.
written by Mia Kasumović Grgec, X. gimnazija Ivan Supek from Zagreb
photos and video by Roko Šoić, School of Economics, Commerce and Catering from Samobor