In the context of the 12th Youth Parliament of the Sava River Basin, which is planned to be held in ...
In scope of the Sava Day celebration and the 20th anniversary of the International Framework Agreeme...
U okviru organiziranja 10. Parlamenta mladih sa sliva rijeke Save koji će se održati 13.-15.10.2022....
World Water Day is celebrated on March 22 aiming at awareness raising about the importance of water ...
The Balkan Youth Environmental Assembly (BYEA) is a civil-society initiative organized by and for yo...
Prošlogodišnji Parlament mladih sa sliva rijeke Save održan je 8. i 9.10.2021. u organizaciji Međuna...
Ob letošnjem Svetovnem dnevu vode, s sloganom ”Nikogar ne bomo prezrli” je letos na Gosp...
Global Water Partnership Central and Eastern Europe (GWP CEE) and Drought Management Centre for Sout...
U okviru organiziranja 8. Parlamenta mladih sa sliva rijeke Save koji će se održati 31. svibnja i 1....